A Safe Place for All
The Northgate ward of Darlington is rated as one of the most deprived in England. The eDGe centre provides a safe place where people can come and get support in a community setting.
We believe that we are not meant to live life on our own. Being able to share with others, to give and to receive, to talk as well as listen and to come alongside others individually and in community is vital to our physical and mental well-being. At the eDGe Centre we have a community cafe and support groups that speak into Mental health and addiction.
Even in a family situation it can be a battle to provide for our children, while keeping our own head above water and looking after our own well-being. Family services at the eDGe centre include Parent and Toddler groups, Baby clothing and equipment exchange and a youth group.
All our services are provided free of charge. In order to maintain the building and provide our services we need supplemental funding. If you can help us that would be great.
Thank you.