A Safe Place for All
Little Tiddlers toddler group
Parent & toddler groups can be a lifeline for parents and provide a great opportunity to mingle with other like-minded parents or carers with children of a similar age to your own. Aside from the social benefits, they also offer a change of scenery for your child, providing ample opportunities to play with new toys, enjoy new sounds and make new friends.
Attendance at the Edge Centre Parent and Toddler Group is free and includes a cup of tea/soft drink/biscuit/fruit to give tired tots (and parent/carer!) a mid-morning energy boost.
Please drop in and check it out. You will always be welcome
We are open Thursday mornings (during term time)
from 9:00 am to 11:00am,
Baby Bank
Many families are struggling to afford even the most basic baby items against a backdrop of rent increases, rising food costs and soaring energy bills. On top of this, the cost of raising a child is also on the rise, the price of nappies and baby wipes has sky-rocketed, not to mention the costs of formula milk which has risen over 40% during the last two years. Every parent is feeling the pinch.
Based on donations from other parents, The Edge Centre Baby Bank is able to supply many of the essentials that you might need for your baby at no cost.
Whether you want to pick up or donate please do call in
We are open Thursday Mornings (during term time)
from 9:00 am to 11:00 am
Youth Group (11-17 years old)
The Edge Centre Youth Group is a place where youngsters (aged 11-17) can come and have fun at the same time as developing their social skills in a safe environment. alongside other kids of a similar age.
There will be games, learning activities and group work, all of which are designed to include and encourage kids to interact with their peers.
All sessions are fully supervised.
We are open Friday evenings (during term time)
from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm